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Construções Ortogonais

The orthogonal constructions began in the 1990s, as a direct consequence of the construction of shell spirals. After a study on the occurrence of different types of spirals in nature, I found the golden rectangle to be the ideal space for my studies of chromatic constructions. The orthogonal construction defined the spaces and allowed me to understand the interaction of juxtaposed colors. Since then, I have periodically explored this space.

The main series of these constructions are: Linhas de Cor (Lines of Color) (1992), Série Holandesa (Dutch Series) (1993-1995), Colunas de Cor (Color Columns) (1994-1997), Catedrais (Cathedrals) (1995), Estudos (Studies) (1995-1996), Metamorfoses (Metamorphoses) (1996), and Pequenos Quadrados (Small Squares) (1993-1997).

Lygia Arcuri Eluf

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Construções Ortogonais - Série Holandesa (Dutch Series)

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